Miami County OhArchives Obituaries.....Abbott, Luther Jewett February 23, 1900 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Elizabeth Tilton October 17, 2007, 11:28 am Miami Union, 16 Mar 1900 Death of a Former Resident of our City Dr. Luther J. Abbott died Feb 22 at his home in South Omaha Neb. He was born in Blue Hill, Me., Sept 15 1831, and was the son of Dr. and Mrs. Nicholas Abbott. While still a boy he came to Troy with his parents and received his education largely under the instruction of Rev. Daniel Rice, the Presbyterian pastor here. Afterwards he attended the Academy in St. Johnsbury Vt., for three years, then taking a course of three years in the Ohio Medical Collage in Cincinnati, followed by three years more in the Jefferson Medical Collage of Philadelphia, receiving his degree of M.D. from that institution March 12, 1854. Returning to Troy, he began the practice of his profession as the partner of his father and continued with him until the autumn of 1860, when he went to Nebraska and in conjunction with his medical calling followed the occupation of a farmer, at a later date removing to Fremont where he resided for many years. Before the admission of Nebraska to The Union he was a member of the territorial legislature. Five years ago he was appointed superintendent of the state insane hospital at Lincoln, where he made an enviable record until his retirement from that position on account of his health. He was married, Sept 12, 1854, to Miss Clara Culbertson, of Troy, the daughter of Henry W. Culbertson. His widow and six children still survive him. On son, Lieut. John W.C. Abbott is now in the Philippines with his regiment, the 30th United States Vol. The remains were taken to Fremont and buried there by the side of his four deceased children. This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.2 Kb