MEDINA COUNTY OHIO - Current Obituary Index 1996-1999 - [Y surnames only]
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File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by
Kathy Petras
Medina County District Library
January 11, 2000

|   LastName    |        First        |    Middle    |      Date      |   Page   |  Age   |         Residence         |    MaidenName    |   Spouse   |       Newspaper        |       Type       |             Note              |
| Yancy         | Myrtle              | A.           | 22Oct1999      | A2       | 83     | Medina/Brunswick          | Kidder           | Barron     | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yancy         | Myrtle              | A.           | 21Oct1999      | A2       | 83     | Medina                    | Kidder           | Barron     | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yaple         | Louise              | M.           | 10Sep1998      | A-2      | 87     | Cleveland                 | Novish           |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yarish        | Irene               | Kathryn      | 19Apr1999      | A-2      | 82     | Grafton                   | Halada           | Joe        | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         | 1st husband: Willard Marsh    |
| Yarosh        | Mike                | J.           | 25Jun1997      | A2       | 77     | Penfield Township         |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yaussy        | Helen               | S.           | 13Dec1997      | A2       | 78     | Wadsworth                 |                  | Arthur     | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yeager        | Robert              | P.           | 30Jul1999      | A-2      | 80     | Medina                    |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yeager        | Robert              | P.           | 29Jul1999      | A-2      | 80     | Medina                    |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yeaples       | Orange, Jr.         | K.           | 13Jan1997      | A2       | 69     | LaGrange/Spencer          |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yike          | James               | L.           | 01Oct1996      | A2       | 76     | Brownsburg, IN            |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yingling      | Margaret            | M.           | 18Feb1998      | A2       | 87     | Chatham Township          |                  | Harley C.  | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yost          | Albert              | J.           | 13Oct1999      | A2       | 61     | Wadsworth                 |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yost          | Glenn               | E.           | 13Feb1997      | A2       | 68     | Zephyrhills, FL           |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yost          | Olive               | L.           | 01Nov1999      | A2       | 83     | Litchfield Township       | Keener           | Donald     | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Young         | Calvin, Sr.         | F.           | 03Jan1997      | A2       | 73     | Medina                    |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Young         | Donald              | A.           | 15Mar1999      | A-2      |        |                           |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Young         | Dorothy             | G.           | 03Mar1998      | A2       | 73     | Bradenton, FL             | Morton           | Donald A.  | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Young         | Edna                | May   (You   | 23Sep1997      | A2       | 89     | Medina                    | Foland           | Kenneth    | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Young         | Robert   "Butch"    |              | 06Aug1997      | A2       | 56     | Lodi                      |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Young         | Taerin              |              | 11Oct1999      | A2       | 6      | Medina                    |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         | s/o Patricia G. Young and     |
| Young         | Tyron               | D.           | 04May1999      | A-2      |        | Medina                    |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         | s/o Patricia G. Young &       |
| Yukman        | Frank               | Jay          | 18Jan1997      | A2       | 67     |                           |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |
| Yukman        | Frank               | Jay          | 17Jan1997      | A2       | 67     |                           |                  |            | MEDINA GAZETTE         | OBITUARY         |                               |