Medina County OhArchives Obituaries.....William, Elwood Sooy January 16 1905
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Medina County Gazette, February 3, 1905, p. 8

Medina County Gazette, February 3, 1905, p. 8

William Elwood Sooy

William Elwood Sooy, son of Samuel and Rebecca Taylor Sooy, was born in Chester 
township, Wayne county O., July 11, 1824, and died Jan. 16, 1905, aged 80 
years, six months and five days. He married Anjunette Hendee Jan. 1, 1830, who 
preceded him to that silent shore 13 years ago. To this happy union was born 
four children. Two died in infancy and two are left to mourn their lose, 
Francis M. Sooy and Mrs. Anna R. Moore. He is the last of a family of 11 
children, nine brothers and one sister.

With ox teams they moved from Chester township, Wayne county, O., to Spencer, 
April 9, 1832, stopping at the River Mills over night with Phineas Davis. The 
next day they moved into a log cable built by his father before moving on the 
bank of Coon Creek. At that time it was a wilderness; no roads cut out; could 
only follow trail by the aid of blazed trees. Very few families lived in 
Spencer at that time. His father was the first justice of the peace after the 
organization of the township in 1839. To obtain money it was necessary to 
gather ashes from burned log piles and convert into purlash, which was drawn to 
Elyria, the nearest trading point, where they obtained groceries and 
provisions. His father built and operated one of the first saw mills in the 
country. In about 1847 they built a frame house, sided up with two inch plants, 
on the north end of the farm on the Center road one-half mile west of Spencer, 
which had been chopped and cleared. The house stands today, but was !
remodeled last summer. Our subject assisted in chopping and clearing many acres 
of the forest. He learned the carpenter trade and his handiwork is still to be 
seen in some early erected buildings. His grandfather served in the 
Revolutionary war; his father in the war of 1812; three brothers in the Civil 
war. Geo. Todd commissioned him captain of militia July 4, 1863. He was active 
in politics, serving his township many years as trustee. Eight years ago he was 
the Democratic nominee for state representative, but was defeated. He has been 
closely identified with all the growth and improvement of his town and township 
through all these years. The farm upon which he settled has been in the family 
ever since, save the past two years when he sold the farm and moved in the 
spring of 1903. He has been a resident of Spencer nearly 73 years. He was a 
neighbor, a kind husband and a loving father. 

Card of Thanks

Mr. and Mrs. T(F). M. Sooy and Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Moore wish to express their 
sincere thanks to their neighbors for their sympathy and help in the last 
sickness and death of their father; also they wish to thanks the ladies of the 
L.O.T.M. for their floral offering; also the choir for their services.

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