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August 27, 1999 

Medina Co. Oh Obituaries
A new message, "Thayer, Samuel M. (full obit)," was posted by Teri
on Wed, 25 Aug 1999


NAME: Teri Cleaveland
DATE: Aug 25 1999
URL: http://
QRYTEXT: Medina County Gazette page 8 (Medina Ohio)
Mar 3, 1905

Samuel Milton Thayer
Samuel Milton Thayer was born Feb. 21, 1823 at Lebanon N. Y.; died
Feb. 8, 1905, at his home near Medina.
The deceased was in many respects a remarkable man. He and his good
wife exercised a genial and generous hospitality, going together to visit
the sick and care for the afflicted and needy ones in the community. They
were lovers of good literature, taking the current magazines and papers of
the day. Mr. Thayer often read aloud extracts from his favorite plays of
Shakespeare during the long winter evenings on the farm. A great many young
people, old now, owe their success in life to fostering care of this man,
now resting after his long journey over life's weary ways. He was
especially fond of the woods and fields, and several years ago amused
himself by setting out a good many young trees, notably locusts, saying:
"They will make posts for the boy when I am gone." His later years have
been clouded by great mental and physical suffering, being a very great
care most of the time. Occasionally the cloud hanging over him would lift a
little, disclosing his real self. He held at different times, various
offices of public trust, to which he was wont to allude with satisfaction,
saying "I tried to do right." He was also a school master of the old type
for a number of years. A few weeks before his death, he read aloud to us,
without spectacles, while we held the ancient calf-bound Bible that was his
mother's, the first chapter of the Gospel according to Saint Mark,
beginning "now as He walked by the Sea of Galilee," reading on in his
feeble old voice to the end of the chapter. At the last, his mind
cleared up, and he spoke intelligently to those about him, saying, when
urged to sleep "If I do, it will be my last sleep."
He married Antoinette Clark of Medina, March 22, 1848, by the Rev. G.
S. Davis. She, with his three children, Clark, William and a little
girl. Cornelia, who passed away in early youth, have preceded him to that
upper and better country where we trust they are now a happy and reunited
family, never again to be separated.
His grandson, James Russell Thayer, remains the sole representative of
the family.

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