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August 27, 1999

Medina Co. Oh Obituaries
A new message, "Smith, Lucy," was posted by Teri Cleaveland on Wed, 25
Aug 1999

Surname: SMITH

NAME: Teri Cleaveland
DATE: Aug 25 1999
URL: http://
QRYTEXT: Medina County Gazette page 8
Mar 3, 1905

Mrs. Lucy Smith

Mrs. Lucy Smith was born in Buckingham County, Va., and died Feb. 8, 1005
in Medina Township. Her husband died when the children were small, leaving
her the burden to bear alone. She was the mother of eight children. One
died in infancy.
and two died after they became men, namely, Rev. C. S. Smith of Kentucky
and Dr. E. T. Smith of Berea. Three sons, two daughters and 12 grand
chil-dren remain to mourn their loss.
In 1856 she moved to Ohio to give the children a chance to get an
education. She was a strong advocate of temper-ance and a regular attendant
of the M. E. church after her conversion which was at a watch night meeting
in East Towsend, O. in 1870, conducted by the pastor, the late Rev. G. L.
Hanawalt, whom she had spoken with to conduct her funeral. But God saw fit
to call him home just two months before. The funeral was held at her son s,
R. J. Smith s, conducted by Rev. Thistle of Brunswick, Feb. 12, 1905. A
quartet of singers from Weymouth rendered excellent music of her favorite
songs. The Interment was made in Brunswick.

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