Medina County OhArchives Obituaries.....Mader, Louis John December 11, 1927
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Michael Mader April 5, 2007, 1:27 pm

Medina Gazette  December 13, 1927
Louis John Mader, for about 20 years a resident of Medina County, and a well 
known resident of Medina Villiage for nearly 15 years, died suddenly at his 
home on East Smith Road Sunday morning. He has been suffering from heart 
trouble, but of late had been feeling good. He woke up Sunday morning and did 
not complain, but a short time afterward his wife found he had passed away. 
Funeral services will be held Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, in charge of 
Rev. P.M. Kendall.
Mr. Mader was born in Cleveland May 4, 1870 and was married to Miss Emma 
Lorenzen, who survives him. There are also four children, namely, Peter, John, 
and Willian and Mrs. Arlie Pritchard. There are also two sisters and two 
brothers, Mrs. Paul Beitt of Valley City, Mrs. Fred Maibauer, Ed Mader and 
John Mader of Cleveland.

Additional Comments:
Louis Mader was a bricklayer, working for his father Adolph Mader, a cement 
contractor in Cleveland. In 1909, he moved his family to Medina County, in 
Brunswick to the first of several farms he bought. He also had farms in 
Montville and Liverpool in Medina County.

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