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Submitted by: Maggie Stewart-Zimmerman
Date: August 22, 1999

Medina Co. Oh Obituaries
A new message, "Marian J. Grindle," was posted by Amber Dalakas on Thu,
19 Aug 1999

Surname: Grindle, Bodnar, Dress

NAME: Amber Dalakas
Surname: Grindle, Bodnar, Dress
DATE: Aug 19 1999
URL: http://
QRYTEXT: Marian J. Grindle, 82, of Sharon Twnship., died unexpectedly
Saturday Aug. 14, 1999, at Akron General Hospital Medical Center.

She was b. in Sharon Township, where she was a lifelong resident. Mrs.
Grindle was a graduate of the University of Akron and a teacher at Goodrich
Junior High School. She retired in 1978 after 18 yeras experience. She was
a member of St. Paul Lutheran Church and formerly was active with Meals on
Wheels and Lutheran Braile Workers.

She is survived by her daughter, Nancy Bodnar of Copley Twnsp., sons, Marty
of Sharon and Larry (Beulah) of Danville; grandchildren, Larry, Daniel,
Sandra, Chad, Troy, Debbie and Rise: great-grandchildren, Rachael, Sarah,
Matthew, Drew, David, Raygin, Michael, and Sierra; and sister Elizabeth
Dress of Sharon.

She was preceded in death by husband, Gerald K.; and grandson, Eric.

Service: Wednesday at Hilliard Cox Mullaney Funeral Home, 174 N. Lyman
St., Wadsworth. Interment: Rosehill Burial Park.

Submitted with permission of Medina County Gazette, August 17, 1999, Page

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