Medina County OhArchives Obituaries.....Ganyard, Alzina M. (Wolcott) February 14, 1908
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Lee Ann Shade March 6, 2009, 6:41 pm

(from Amy Nichols collection)
Obituary of Mrs. Alzina Ganyard 
In 1818 Simon P. Wolcott, leaving parents, brothers and sisters and his New
England home, journeyed west into the new state and almost unknown region of
Ohio. He located in Granger and purchased a farm on the south town line. After a
brief period he met and married a neighbor girl, Miss Nancy Codding. Here in
their new home, the young husband and wife began housekeeping and here in their
rude log cabin on Oct. 18, 1838, was born their first child, Alzina M. Wolcott.
It was in this primative home and in the log school house that Alzina grew into
girlhood and womanhood, ever ready and willing in helping her mother, and caring
for the younger children, to whom she always seemed like a mother. In 1873, she
married Seymour A Ganyard, with whom she spent many happy years until 1895, when
her husband passed away. After his death she lived with her son Eldo until five
years ago, when she with her brother Melford moved to Remson Corners. Here on
Feb. 14, she passed to that life beyond where her sufferings have ceased, and
where she will join her Savior and earlier friends, whom she ahs longed and
prayed to meet.
She leaves to mourn their loss, two sons, six grandchildren, two brothers, five
sisters, and a host of other kindred and friends.
Mrs. Ganyard was a faithful member and supporter of the East Granger Christian
church, and in her earlier life took earnest part in its activities. The funeral
was held at East Granger Christian church on Feb 17, conducted by Rev. Chas.
Searles; burial at East Granger Cemetery

Additional Comments:
Sent to R. Sizelove on 3 March, 2009, with cemetery transcriptions.

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