Medina County OhArchives Obituaries.....Eyman, Austin S. June 23, 1892
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Kevin Eyman January 17, 2006, 9:13 am

Medina County Gazette, 30 June 1892, Page 1, Homer News Section
Austin Eyman died Saturday morning, June 23, aged 32 years. He returned to his
home after an absense of 10 months in Alabama and was not feeling well at the
time of his arrival. His disease (malaria at first) resulted in typhoid fever,
and medical skill and the best of care was of no avail, and he continued to grow
worse until his sufferings were relieved by death. Austin lived and died
practically without an enemy. He was kind in his disposition, affable in his
manners, industrious and frugal in his habits, and possessed the rare faculty of
immediately finding his way direct to the heart of everyone with whom he came in
contact. He was loved for his integrity and manliness and will be greatly missed
on account of his social qualities. He was one of our best and most successful
teachers, and as professor of music had few equals. The funeral services were
held at the Reformed church, the Rev. Sprinkle officiating. He was a consistent
member of the U.B. church. Truly his life was above reproach. Few pass to their
final home leaving behind a more spotless record. His father, mother, brother
and sisters have the sympathy of the entire community in their sad bereavement. 

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