Mahoning County OhArchives Obituaries.....Porter, Lucinda Nee Corll May 11, 1924
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Jennifer L. Neff May 10, 2006, 11:30 pm

Mahoning Dispatch, Fri, 16 May 1924
PORTER, Lucinda nee CORLL
[Mrs. Sylvanus S. Porter]
5 Nov 1843 to 11 May 1924
80y 6m 6d

Mrs. Lucinda Corll Porter, widow of S.S. Porter, died Sunday morning at her 
home on Broad street, following a stroke of paralysis some weeks since. She 
was born near Cornersburg, Nov. 5, 1843, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth 
Wehr Corll, and after her marriage to Mr. Porter in August, 1870, had 
continuously resided in Canfield. She was long a member of Zion Reformed 
church, north of the village. One brother, Wallace Corll, survives. Funeral 
services held Wednesday afternoon from her late home were conducted by Revs. 
C. L. Cope and J.C. Schaaf. Interment in Zion church cemetery
Estate of Lucinda Porter
Mahoning Dispatch, Home Happenings
Fri, 16 May 1924
Under the will of the late Mrs. Lucinda Porter, E.E. Neff and Howard Corll are 
executors of the estate which goes to Mr. Neff, W.W. Corll and three nephews. 
The Broad Street home is to be sold. 

Lucinda was buried on 14 May 1924 in Row 1 Old North Cemetery, Canfield, 
Mahoning Co. OH

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