Mahoning County OhArchives Obituaries.....Fitch, Frank Leland August 28, 1915 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Jennifer L. Neff May 12, 2006, 2:55 pm Mahoning Dispatch, Fri, 3 Sep 1915 FITCH, Frank Leland 20 Nov 1892 to 28 Aug 1915 22y 9m 8d Fatally Gored by Jersey Bull – Frank Fitch killed last Saturday While at work on the Manchester Farm. Frank L. Fitch was gored to death by a bull on I. A. Manchester’s farm about two miles southwest of Canfield last Saturday afternoon. Mr. Fitch and Edward Craig, also employed on the farm, were cleaning the big stock barn and in order to give the box stall occupied by the bull attention it was necessary to move the animal to another stall. This the young men did without trouble, each holding a strap fastened to a ring in the bull’s nose. Before the task of cleaning the stall was finished Mr. Craig had occasion to go to the house on an errand but warned Mr. Fitch not to attempt to move the bull back to his own quarters until he returned to assist him. Mr. Fitch however, did not fear the beast and after the stall was cleaned, he bravely unsnapped one of the straps. Hugh Stuart, father-in-law of Mr. Manchester, was in the barn and suggested that it would be well for him to hold one of the straps while the change was being made, but Mr. Fitch believed himself equal to the task and loosened the other strap. Almost instantly after he found himself released the bull charged Mr. Fitch, tearing a great hole in his abdomen with one horn and then hurling him out of the enclosure. Blood gushed from the gaping wound. Efforts were made to stop the flow of blood until the arrival of Drs. Campbell and Coy, who promptly responded, but they quickly found that the injury was a fatal one. The young man passed away soon after the arrival of the doctors. Frank L. Fitch, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse B. Fitch, who live within sight of the Manchester farm, was born in Ellsworth township Nov. 20, 1892, consequently was in the twenty-second year of his age. He was strong and manly, full of energy and deservedly popular with all who knew him. He was active in church and grange work and at the time of his death was captain of Dublin grange degree staff. He is survived by his parents, one sister, Odessa, and one brother, Fred. Funeral services held from the family home Tuesday morning at 11 o’clock were conducted by Rev. J. V. Haskell, a large number of sorrowing friends being in attendance. Interment in the Ellsworth cemetery. Burial – 31 Aug 1915 in Section A Row 5 Ellsworth Cemetery, Ellsworth, Mahoning Co. OH This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.0 Kb