Mahoning-Trumbull County OhArchives Obituaries.....Blackburn, John R. January 13, 1896
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Jennifer L. Neff May 2, 2006, 5:14 pm

Mahoning Dispatch, Fri, 17 Jan 1896
[Husband of Lucy nee HENRY]
1845 to 13 Jan 1896
50 years 7 months
John Blackburn died at his home two miles east of the village Monday forenoon 
[13 Jan 1896] after an illness of little more than three weeks. The deceased 
moved to Canfield eight years ago, was one of the best known and most 
progressive farmers of the Township. Through his many excellent qualities of 
mind and heart he had endeared himself to a wide circle of friends. He was a 
member of the Township Board of Education and was untiring in his efforts to 
advance the cause of education. Mr. Blackburn was born in Poland Township in 
1845 and was therefore in the 51st year of his age. He was united in marriage 
with Miss Lucy Henry in 1873. The result of this union was three children – 
two sons and a daughter – who, with his wife, survive him. Funeral services 
held Wednesday morning [15 Jan 1886] at the family residence were conducted by 
Rev. J.A. Wright. The interment was made in the village cemetery.

Additional Comments:
At the time of his death his home was what is today known as Loghurst.
Canfield Township Cemetery and Death Records, Mahoning County, Ohio, 1983,
ps 22, 80, 90, 100
John R. Blackburn was buried on 15 Jan 1886 in the NW corner, by road, beside 
Sanzenbacher Mausoleum, in Canfield Village Cemetery, Canfield, Mahoning Co. OH
Comment: Jennifer Neff, 14 May 2005
He is listed under both John and John R.
The entry on p 80 says that he was buried on 17 Apr 1908. This appears to be 

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