Highland County OhArchives Obituaries.....Price, J. Winston March 4, 1865
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The Highland weekly news. Highland County, Ohio 1853-1886: Mar. 23, 1865
Departed this life on the morning of the 4th inst., at his residence in Hillsboro,
the Hon. J. Winston Price, in the sixty-first year of his age. His illness was the
effect of a severe cold, resulting in pneumonia and typhoid fever, which baffled the
skill of his physicians and terminated fatally in a few days. He was born in Hanover
county, Virginia, in 1804, and was prepared for college at a private boarding
school, kept by Parson Blair. At the age of 17 he entered William and Mary College,
Virginia, and graduated there with honor four years thereafter. He then studied law
in the city of Richmond, in the office of John Marshall, late Chief Justice of the
United States, (and under his instructions) and was  admitted to the Bar in
Richmond. After his admission to the Bar, Judge Price, in 1827, came to Ohio and
settled at Columbus, and opened a law office in that city, where, in 1830, he
married the eldest daughter of the late Judge John A. McDowell of that place. In
1831 he removed to Hillsboro...He has left a widow and six children to mourn his
loss, four daughters and two sons. At the grave, the burial service of the Episcopal
Church was pronounced by the Rev. Mr. Webb...

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