Highland County OhArchives Obituaries.....Howard, Glenn "Fritz" May 5, 2006 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/ohfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ralph Cokonougher rcokon@hotmail.com March 21, 2007, 1:22 am Tuesday. 9 May 2006 TIMES-GAZETTE of Hillsboro, Ohio. OBITUARY FACTS EXTRACT. (A standard format for extracting facts from obituaries compiled after 1949. This is an extract of facts only, not the actual obituary. For the actual obituary, see the source noted.) NAME: Glenn “Fritz” Howard. AGE: 87. CITY/COUNTY/STATE OF RESIDENCE: Charleston, W. Va. DEATH/PLACE: Friday. 5 May 2006 in Charleston, W. Va. BIRTH/PLACE: 21 Jan. 1919 in Greenfield, Ohio. SPOUSE(S): (1.) Lois Wingett Howard (predeceased). (2). Catherine Cremers Howard. FATHER: Earl Lee Howard. MOTHER: Annabelle (Wisecup) Howard. DAUGHTER(S): Bonnie Howard, Beverly Poole. STEPDAUGHTERS: Gleta Cremers, Camille Richards, Ann Jones. BROTHERS: William (Mary K.) Howard, Robert (Beverly) Howard. GRANDCHILDREN: Four grandchildren and six stepgrandchildren. FUNERAL HOME: J.E. Johnson Funeral Home in Charleston, W. Va. BURIAL LOCATION: Sunset Memorial Cemetery in South Charleston. OTHER INFORMATION: Founder & owner of Economy Marine in Charleston, W. Va. Previously was department manager for Roger Dean Chevrolet in Athens, Ohio. Member of Charleston Boat Club, Antique Motorcycle Club of America, Cadillac LaSalle Club, Veteran Motor Car Club of America, Model T Ford Club International, Antique Automobile Club of America, Model A Restorer’s Club, Lincoln-Zephyr Club, American Motorcycles Association, American Sternwheel Association, U.S. Army Air Corps. Survivors include a brother-in-law, Charles (Rosalie) Wingett. A picture of Glenn is included in the original obituary. OCCUPATION: Car salesman. EXTRACT SOURCE: Tuesday. 9 May 2006 TIMES-GAZETTE of Hillsboro, Ohio. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ohfiles/ File size: 2.3 Kb