Highland-Clinton County OhArchives Obituaries.....Hawk, Mary Ann (Wisecup) January 12, 2008 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/ohfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ralph Cokonougher rcokon@hotmail.com January 19, 2008, 2:14 am 14 January 2008 Hillsboro, Ohio “Times-Gazette” OBITUARY FACTS EXTRACT. (A standard format for extracting facts from obituaries compiled after 1923. This is an extract of facts only, not the actual obituary. For the actual obituary, see the source noted.) NAME: Mary Ann Hawk. AGE: 89. CITY/COUNTY/STATE OF RESIDENCE: Wilmington, Ohio, formerly Lynchburg, Ohio. DEATH/PLACE: 12 Jan. 2008 in Wilmington, Clinton Co., Ohio. BIRTH/PLACE: 10 Dec. 1918 in Hillsboro, Highland Co., Ohio. FATHER: Leslie Wisecup. MOTHER: Hallie J. [Wright] Wisecup. SPOUSE(S): Donovan W. Hawk (deceased on 16 Jan. 1980). SON(S): Kenneth [Violet] Hawk, and Larry Hawk. DAUGHTER(S): SISTER(S): Mary Jane Wisecup (deceased), and Ruby Baldwin (deceased). BROTHERS: Paul [Dottie] Wisecup, Donald [Barbara] Wisecup, and Charles Willard Wisecup (deceased). GRANDCHILDREN: Debbie, Keith, Kris, Joshua, Teresa, Trenton, Andy, and Jeff. FUNERAL HOME: Davis-Turner Funeral Home in Lynchburg, Ohio. BURIAL LOCATION: Lynchburg-Masonic Cemetery in Lynchburg, Ohio. OTHER INFORMATION: Member of Allensburg Church of Christ. She had 16 great-grandchildren, and six great-great-grandchildren. She was also survived by her brother-in-law Bobby Baldwin. OCCUPATION: Co-owner and operator of Don’s Garden Center. Worked at Lynchburg IGA grocery store for 30 years. EXTRACT SOURCE: 14 January 2008 Hillsboro, Ohio “Times-Gazette”. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ohfiles/ File size: 2.0 Kb