Highland-Fayette County OhArchives Obituaries.....Benson, Emma Mae (Downs) July 13, 2008
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Ralph Cokonougher rcokon@hotmail.com August 2, 2008, 8:19 pm

15 July 2008 TIMES-GAZETTE of Hillsboro, Ohio.

       (A standard format for extracting facts from obituaries compiled after 
1923.  This is an extract of facts only, not the actual obituary. For the 
actual obituary, see the source noted.)

	NAME: Emma Mae Benson.
	AGE: 82.
	CITY/COUNTY/STATE OF RESIDENCE:  Greenfield, Highland County, Ohio. 
	DEATH/PLACE: 13 July 2008 in Greenfield, Ohio. 
	BIRTH/PLACE:  22 Nov. 1925 in Fayette County, Ohio.
	FATHER: Lewis Downs. 
	MOTHER: Verna (Irons) Downs.
	SPOUSE(S):  Harley “Red” Benson (deceased 1 Aug. 1996).
	SON(S):  Gary (Robin) Benson.
	DAUGHTER(S):  Brenda (Mike) Higgins.
	SISTER(S):  Kittie Overly, Elsie Shope, Lucy Cartwright, Nancy (Bob) 
Ritter, Elenore Newland, Clara Lucille Carter (deceased), Vesta Downs 
	BROTHERS: Ralph (Pat) Downs, Leon Downs, Ferrell Downs (deceased), 
Richard Downs (deceased), Wayne Downs (deceased).
	GRANDCHILDREN:  Melissa (Randy) Bosier, Heather (Paul) Hess, and Holly 
(Shane) Dray.
	GREAT-GRANDCHILDREN:  Dalton Hess, Emilee Hess, Reagan Hess, Dylan 
	FUNERAL HOME: Murray-Fettro Funeral Home in Greenfield, Ohio. 
	BURIAL LOCATION:  Good Hope Cemetery.
	OTHER INFORMATION: Lived most of her life in the Greenfield community 
and enjoyed taking care of her family.   
	OCCUPATION: Formerly worked at API in Washington C.H., Ohio, Collins 
Packing Company in Greenfield, Ohio, and Greenfield Research of Greenfield, 
	EXTRACT SOURCE:  15 July 2008 TIMES-GAZETTE of Hillsboro, Ohio.

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