Highland-Brown County OhArchives Obituaries.....Barber, Betty J. (Griffith) December 3, 2006 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. http://www.usgwarchives.net/copyright.htm http://www.usgwarchives.net/oh/ohfiles.htm ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Ralph Cokonougher rcokon@hotmail.com June 11, 2008, 8:56 pm 5 Dec. 2006 TIMES-GAZETTE of Hillsboro, Ohio. OBITUARY FACTS EXTRACT. (A standard format for extracting facts from obituaries compiled after 1923. This is an extract of facts only, not the actual obituary. For the actual obituary, see the source noted.) NAME: Betty J. Barber. AGE: 79. CITY/COUNTY/STATE OF RESIDENCE: Lynchburg, Highland County, Ohio. DEATH/PLACE: 3 Dec. 2006 in Cincinnati, Hamilton County, Ohio. BIRTH/PLACE: 14 June 1927 Brown County, Ohio. FATHER: George Griffith (deceased). MOTHER: Frances Dean Griffith (deceased). SPOUSE(S): Virgil G. Barber (deceased 8 Oct. 2002). SON(S): Larry Barber, and Frank (Kathleen) Barber. DAUGHTER(S): Sandra (David) Brinkman, and Debra Barber. SISTER(S): Sara (Danny) Farmer, and Bonnie (Melvin) Nicholas. BROTHERS: Frank (Martha) Griffith, Elon Griffith (deceased), Richard Griffith (deceased), and Toni Griffith (deceased). GRANDCHILDREN: Marsha Schmetiz, Tony Barber, Jason Barber, Craig Barber, Matthew Brinkman, Shelley Brown, Andrew Brinkman, Tina Ashley, and Scott Barber. FUNERAL HOME: Turner-Davis Funeral Home in Lynchburg, Ohio. BURIAL LOCATION: Harwood Cemetery. OTHER INFORMATION: Member of Pricetown Church of Christ. Has 14 great-grandchildren. OCCUPATION: Business office worker at Clinton Memorial Hospital, and clerk for Robert Roush Auction Company. EXTRACT SOURCE: 5 Dec. 2006 TIMES-GAZETTE of Hillsboro, Ohio. This file has been created by a form at http://www.genrecords.net/ohfiles/ File size: 2.0 Kb