Franklin County OhArchives Obituaries.....Peterson, Rush August 8, 1895 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Steven Andersen July 7, 2013, 7:34 pm The Columbus Evening Dispatch, 8 August 1895 TOOK HIS OWN LIFE Death of Rush Peterson, Who Attempted Suicide. Rush Peterson, colored, the young man who shot himself in the right temple Saturday morning, and who was removed to the St. Francis hospital, died at that institution Thursday morning at 5 o’clock. His brother, residing at Barnesville, O., arrived in the city Thursday morning and did everything in his power to alleviate the suffering of the injured man. Peterson was a hostler and, being out of work, came to this city. He was acquainted with a hostler, Van Johnson, residing at 1409 East Main street, and has been stopping with him since his arrival in the city. Saturday morning Peterson shot himself and told the squad on the patrol wagon that he did not know why he did it. At the hospital he said he heard the window break and knew he was shot by some one outside. This was found to be untrue, as the window was not broken. The revolver is a 22-calibre “Defender” and had one load and an empty shell in it. Acting Coroner Roach was notified and it is thought will render a verdict of accidental shooting. It was evident that Peterson was cleaning the revolver. The brother of Peterson will take his body to Barnesville. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb