Franklin County OhArchives Obituaries.....Howells, Thomas May 30, 1923 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Linda B. Thompson January 16, 2010, 2:21 pm unknown THOMAS HOWELLS DEAD Foreman of Toledo & Ohio Central Railroad Shops is Victim of Heart Trouble Thomas Howells, aged 44, foreman of the Toledo & Ohio Central railroad shops, died Wednesday from heart trouble at his home, 1521 Dublin road, following an illness of five weeks. He was a member of the Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers No. 651; a charter member of Community Lodge of Masons and the Masonic Square club. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Blanche Howells; his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George W. Howells, 131 Avondale avenue, and three brothers, Howard, Benjamin and Walter Howells, all of Columbus. Funeral services will be held Saturday afternoon at 2 o’clock at the residence. Burial will be in Green Lawn cemetery in charge of Denton, Donaldson & Hughes. Additional Comments: I found an aging newspaper notice of Thomas Howells death. No date or publication markings, among my grandparents photos and papers. So I located a death certificate for Thomas and extracted the information ... State of Ohio Franklin County Franklin Township File Number = 32436 Thomas Howells 1521 Dublin Av. born 17 Jun 1878 died 30 May 1923 age 44y, 11m, 13d married to Blanche Howells employed by T.O.C.R.R. as Engineer place of birth = Madison County, Ohio father = George W. Howells, born Wales mother = Elizabeth Miller, born Ohio informant = Blanche Howells Burial = Greenlawn Cemetery, 2 June 1923 Undertaker = Denton, Donaldson & Hughes 316 East Town St. Columbus, Ohio This file has been created by a form at File size: 2.0 Kb