Harrison County MsArchives Obituaries.....Richards, Robert L May 7, 1900
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Carmella Seymour https://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00034.html#0008419 December 27, 2022, 11:20 pm

Biloxi Daily Herald on 8 May 1900
"It is with much regret, The Herald announces the death of Robert Richards, son of 
Noah Richards, at his home about five miles northeast of Back Bay yesterday 
morning, at the age of thirty-four. The deceased was a young man of many noble 
qualities, well liked by all who knew him, and his untimely end is a source of 
sorrow to the entire community. He was unmarried, but leaves loving parents, and 
other relatives, to mourn his loss, and to them The Herald extends deep sympathy. 
The funeral will take place at about 3 p.m., today, and the remains will be 
interred in the Biloxi cemetery.

Additional Comments:
Robert was born March 9 1866 in North Biloxi.  He was the son of Noel Antoine 
Richards (1835-1900) and Mary Elizabeth Seymour (1836-1905).

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