Harrison County MsArchives Obituaries.....Seymour, Elizabeth August 25, 1917
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Carmella Seymour http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00034.html#0008419 November 12, 2022, 2:00 pm

Biloxi Daily Herald 27 August 1917

Mrs. Elizabeth Seymour, aged 70 years, a native of Biloxi and resident of Seymour
the greater part of her life, died at her home near Johnson's Still on Saturday
morning at 10:30 o'clock. Deceased was one of the most respected residents of that
section of the county and she is surved by a large number of friends and relatives.
The funeral was held this afternoon at 2 o'clock from her late residence. Services
were conducted in the Catholic church in Seymour and interment was made in the
Biloxi cemetery. A large number of the sorrowing friends and relatives attended the
last sad rites of the deceased.

Additional Comments:
Elizabeth (maiden name also Seymour) was the daughter of Lazarus Seymour (1816 -
1902) and Nancy Seaman Seymour (1826 - 1823).  She and her husband, Joseph Lazarus
Seymour, were second cousins once removed.

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