Harrison County MsArchives Obituaries.....Cox, Linda Cathy D. March 2, 1982
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Patricia Creel Kendrick http://www.genrecords.net/emailregistry/vols/00018.html#0004458 and Sabrina Dees Roberts sabrinaalso@yahoo.com January 20, 2008, 10:42 am

Sabrina Dees Roberts  sabrinaalso@yahoo.com
MRS. LINDA CATHY DESILVEY COX - Mrs. Cox. 29, was struck and killed by a car on 
March 2, 1982 on Interstate-10 near Mobile. She was a member of the Scared 
Heart Catholic Church.

The funeral procession will leave the funeral home at 10:45 a.m. 
Friday for the celebration of an 11 a.m. Mass at Scared Heart 
Catholic Church in North Biloxi. Burial will be in the Bosarge 

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