Berrien County GaArchives Obituaries.....Booth, Hayes Edward October 28, 2012
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Shirley McMillan Durden October 26, 2019, 12:57 pm

The Berrien Press - October 31, 2012
 Hayes Edward Booth, 40, of Nashville died October 28, 2012, at Berrien County Ho
 Born January 25, 1972, in Marianna, FL to Betty Lipford Feris of Marianna and t
the late Edward Feris, he was a hospital orderly for the Jackson County H
Hospital in Marianna. He attended Poplar Springs Missionary Baptist Church. He w
was preceded in death by a sister, Louise Varnum.
 Survivors, in addition to his mother, include a sister and brother-in-law, Bett
Betty and Phillip Brogdon of Nashville.       
 As per his wishes, he will be cremated and a memorial service held at a later dat

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