Berrien County GaArchives Obituaries.....Boatwright, Kissiah Smith April 30, 1964
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The Nashville Herald, April 30, 1964
The Nashville Herald, front page, April 30, 1964
Mrs. Boatwright Dies Early Today
	Nashville residents were saddened to learn of the sudden and 
unexpected passing early Thursday of Mrs. Z.R. Boatwright, lifelong Berrien 
County resident and colorful Nashville character.
	While Mrs. Boatwright had been in gradually declining health for an 
extended period, her demise was not anticipated.  Stricken at her home late 
Wednesday evening, April 29, she was carried to Askew Memorial Hospital where 
death came shortly after midnight.
	Born in the County where she spent her entire life, Mrs. Boatwright 
was the former Miss Kissiah Smith, daughter of the late John Wood and Mary 
Jane Whitehurst Smith, members of a staunch colonial Georgia lineage.  Her 
husband was Robert Z. Boatwright by whom she was preceded in death on February 
8, 1939.
	Mrs. Boatwright was a notably dedicated member of the First Baptist 
Church and was an ardent temperance advocate and follower of Christian 
principles.  She was also a member of the Daughters of the American Revolution 
and maintained a strong interest in the genealogy of original South Georgia 
families. At the time of her passing she was 75 years of age, having been born 
on April 15, 1889.
	Funeral services will be conducted from the church of her membership 
at 3 o’clock on Saturday afternoon, May 2, with the Reverend John Hunt, 
resident pastor, officiating.  Interment will follow in Nashville Cemetery.
	Mrs. Boatwright leaves one daughter, Mrs. Chester D. Gaskins of 
Jacksonville, Fla., and two sons, Berry Boatwright of Waycross and Veryl 
Boatwright of Willacoochee.
	Also surviving are three sisters, Mrs. J.N. Pafford and Mrs. Mary Ann 
Yates, both of Vidalia, and Mrs. Martha Everett of Ray City.  Others remaining 
include a number of nieces and nephews and five grandchildren and three great-
	All arrangements will be completed by Lovein Funeral Home.

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