Franklin County GaArchives News.....Fire Kills First-Grader October 26, 1989
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Alisa Dunn July 12, 2022, 11:46 pm

Franklin County Citizen October 26, 1989
A six-year-old boy died in a house fire in the Bold Spring community early Sunday 
morning. His older brother was injured in the fire, and is receiving treatment at 
Human Hospital in Augusta.

Jonathan Watkins, a first-grader at Carnesville Elementary School, died in the 
blaze which began around 4 a.m. Sunday.  His brother, Lamar, was burned on the 
neck and hands and is in critical condition after surgery Monday morning.

Also in the house, located on a dirt road off Bold Spring Road, were the parents, 
Lamar Sr. and Mattie; a  daughter, Sharon, 17; another daughter, Trameka, 8; and 
an uncle "Pompey" Beasley.

Only the chimney remained of the small frame house after the fire, which 
apparently began in the roof over the bedroom shared by the two boys.  The cause 
of the fire is undetermined, although faulty wiring is suspected.

Students at Franklin County School have begun collecting money for the family 
Monday morning, and were to continue through the week.

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