Stephens-Franklin County GaArchives News.....Biographical Sketches. Two of "Old Franklin's" Sons November 19, 1908 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: June McNew January 11, 2012, 8:10 am The Toccoa Record November 19, 1908 Dr. Clarence L. Ayers. This prominent young Toccoa physician, who is another of Franklin county’s honored sons, was born in Carnesville, January 9, 1877, and like the majority of professional and business men has fought his way up from the farm. During school months he applied himself and made an enviable record in the schools at Carnesville, and afterwards in the high school at Hartwell, Ga. Afterwards he attended the University of Georgia, and was a member of the class of 1899. During school days he made up his mind to enter the ranks of some profession. The study of medicine appealed to him most favorably, and he bent every effort to the end of making a physician. Dr. Ayers came from one of the most prominent families in this section of Georgia. Hon. S.M. Ayers, of Carnesville, his father, has for a long time been identified with every educational and political movement in Franklin county. Inheriting a vast amount of ambition and energy from his father, Dr. Ayers has pushed himself to the front in everything he has undertaken. Immediately after leaving the University of Georgia he entered the Atlanta College of Physicians and Surgeons, graduating in 1902. He has since taken a post graduate course in microscopic work. After graduation Dr. Ayers located in Carnesville, his native town, where he had an extensive practice for four years. He came to Toccoa in June, 1906, and formed partnership with Dr. Jeff Davis, which change was a source of regret to the people of Carnesville and Franklin county. Dr. Ayers had been in Toccoa only a little while when he fell a victim to Cupid, the result being that he married in June this year. His wife was formerly Miss Helen Edwards, daughter of Mr. W.C. Edwards. Dr. Ayers is a prominent member of the Baptist Church, is well known in fraternity circles, being a loyal Woodman of the World and a Royal Arch Mason. He is also a member of the County and State Medical Associations and of the American Medical Association. Like the majority of Toccoans he is a great believer in his home town, and it is good for Toccoa that young men like him locate here. Broad, liberal-minded and energetic, he believes and is ever willing to take part in any progressive movement—any agency tending to upbuild and to educate. Reserved, but polished, Dr. Ayers impresses every one as a big warm hearted and affable gentleman. He possesses these excellent qualities and more, and numbers his friends by scores in every community in Stephens and Franklin counties. Additional Comments: The other biography in The Toccoa Record on this date was for Col. Claude Bond. Photos of Dr. Ayers and Col. Bond appeared at the top of this article. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.4 Kb