Payette County ID Archives News.....Farmers' Co-Operative Ditch Co January 6, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook January 6, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, January 6, 1905
An agitation to have the headquarters of the Farmers' Co-Operative Ditch 
Company removed from Payette to New Plymouth caused a rousing mass meeting 
here last Tuesday afternoon.  Farmers (and stockholders in the ditch) were 
present from Pleasant View all the way up to Emmett and all were enthusiastic 
for the change.  Mr. Fred Creasey was made chairman and Ed Cox secretary of 
the meeting.  A canvassing committee and also a set of candidates for 
directors were named, and tomorrow New Plymouth's supporters will go down to 
Payette in full strength ready to demand proper recognition.  A resolution was 
also passed favoring the idea of having the financial statement of the 
secretary and treasurer of the company published in two different papers in 
the valley.  The advantages of having the ditch headquarters moved form 
Payette to New Plymouth are so obvious as to permit of little discussion in 
regard to the matter.  We believe that in justice to the ditch users 
arrangements should be made tomorrow to make this change, and believe that 
enough of our enterprising farmers are in the deal to see it through.

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