Payette County ID Archives News.....Family Reunion - Carpenter February 3, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook February 3, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, February 3, 1905
It is seldom one has the pleasure of being present at a family reunion such as 
was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Carpenter, of New Plymouth, on 
Monday, January 30, when the children and grandchildren united in celebrating 
the twenty-first birthday of the oldest twins, Winfred and Alfred.  A 
sumptuous dinner was served and in the evening a program followed by merry-
making was enjoyed until ten o'clock, when the party broke up.  The absence of 
one daughter, Mrs. Newton Macomb, and family of five children, and also one 
grandson, kept the reunion from being complete.  Those present were:  J. D. 
Miles and family of Payette; J. H. Cole and family; F. Handly and wife, of New 
Plymouth; R. C. Carpenter and wife, of Patent Timber; Chas. Macomb and family, 
of Big Willow; J. H. Knee and family, of Big Willow.  Altogether there were 
thirty-six children and grandchildren present.  Those present not belonging to 
the family, were:  Miss Louie Lowe and Miss Mary Keel, of Big Willow;Mr. and 
Mrs. W. H. Beary and family and Mrs. S. J. Maxwell, of New Plymouth.  The 
young men received a number of presents and the good wishes of their friends 
and relatives.

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