Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store  May 26, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook May 26, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, May 26, 1905
Falk's Store Items
Editor Outlook, May 25, 1905
Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cosman are up from Payette visiting Mrs. Cosman's parents, 
Mr. and Mrs. Youstler.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McCullough were visiting in Ontario, a few days last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCullough have returned to their home at Juniper Mountain, 
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Nichols made a business trip to Caldwell, Saturday.
The ice cream social last Saturday was not a financial success, owing to the 
inclement weather.  Another will probably be given when the good old summer 
time comes.
Miss Mattie McCullough and Miss Clara Nichols went down Wednesday to visit the 
Misses Williams, also to attend the entertainment and box social given by Miss 
Stigall and her pupils at the Wilson school house.
Work on the Payette ditch is suspended for a few days.  They expect to go on 
again as soon as the present tangle is straightened out.
The big ditch has another very bad break at Patton Point, some 200 feet long 
and 20 feet deep.  It is thought it will take 50 teams two weeks to repair it.

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