Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store  May 19, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook May 19, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, May 19, 1905
Falk's Store Items
Editor Outlook, May 18, 1905
Mr. and Mrs. George Fuller visited in Emmett last week.
Mr. M. E. Pruitt started to Oregon, Monday, on a business trip.
Mr. John Green was in Emmett on business two days of last week.
Mrs. W. E. Stuart and Miss Rosalie Giblin visited in Emmett last week.
Mrs. E. T. Hoagland made a business trip to Boise a few days ago.
George Stubblefield went to Walla Walla, Monday.  He intends to return about 
the first of June.
Brother Peterson of Payette visited the Sunday-school at the Anderson school-
house last Sunday.
The ladies of the Falk's Store Sunday-school will serve ice-cream and cake at 
the school house next Saturday afternoon.
Mrs. E. T. Hoagland has returned from Vale, Oregon, where she has been staying 
the past three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Earl McCullough of Juniper Mountain, Owyhee county, are visiting 
their parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Nichols and Mrs. W. E. McCullough of this 
Frank Moss, with his crew of men and several other teams that have been 
working on the Payette ditch, left Thursday morning.  Another force of men and 
teams are expected up to continue the work.

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