Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store May 12, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook May 12, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, May 12, 1905
Falk's Store Items
Editor Outlook, May 11, 1905
Mr. and Mrs. John Erwin visited in Payette last week.
Wm. Stuart has gone to Squaw Creek Butte on business.
Mrs. M. E. Pruitt made a business trip to Emmett, one day last week.
Mrs. James Green and Mrs. Dwight Hopkins, of Emmett spend Sunday with their 
mother, Mrs. J. F. Green, of this place.
Misses Delia and Nellie Applegate and Miss Maud Williams with James Applegate 
called on Mattie McCullough, Sunday.
The Payette Ditch camp looks lively now.  Thirteen teams are at work and more 
are expected every day.
Abe Hoagland and Ross Groves gave a dance at the Falk's Store school-house, 
last Friday night, which was largely attended.  Mrs. John Hoagland served ice-
G. W. Fuller returned from his horse camp on Squaw Butte, Sunday.  Owing to 
such heavy rains there during the past week the hills are so muddy that it 
will be impossible to ride after stock for a short time.

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