Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store May 5, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook May 5, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, May 5, 1905
Falk's Store Items
Editor Outlook, May 4, 1905
Mrs. W. E. McCullough went to Payette, Monday.
Mr. A. J. McFarland made a business trip to Payette, Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Stuart were visiting in Emmett one day last week.
Misses Nellie and Carrie visited Miss Mattie McCullough Sunday and Monday.
Will Anderson, of Weiser, is in Falks Store on business.  He has his two small 
sons with him.
Five Falk's Store girls and a donkey posed in front of a camera a few days ago 
at Will Stuart's.  Will looked on; there wasn't room for him in the picture.
The Payette Ditch Company has quite a number of men at work on their new 
ditch.  They are camped on the McBride and Galbraith ranches.  They expect to 
get their ditch ready for the water to be turned in.

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