Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store April 14, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook April 14, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, April 14, 1905
Falk's Store Items
Editor Outlook, April 13, 1905
John Carter, of the Uinta Hereford Cattle Company, Wyoming, corralled several 
hundred head of horses at John Green's this week.  He bought them of horsemen 
here, and is taking them to Wyoming.
Abe Hoagland and Ross Groves gave a dance at the school-house, April 7th, at 
which quite a number of Falk's Store young people tripped the "light fantastic 
toe" for several hours.
Mabel and Walter McFarland, who are attending school at Caldwell, were home 
for a few days' vacation this week.
Mrs. Williams and daughter, Mattie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. 
McCullough.  In the evening Mattie McCullough took Miss Williams to Plymouth 
where she is teaching.
Will Anderson of Weiser was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Stuart a few days 
last week.
Misses Tilda and Sadie Hoagland went to Payette this week and spent a pleasant 
hour with the dentist.
Mr. Hays who has been teaching here returned home to Nampa, Monday.
Miss Minnie Guffey has returned from Pleasant View where she has been visiting 
her sister, Mrs. Dave Nichols.

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