Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store March 17, 1905 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Cheryl Hanson March 21, 2006, 5:10 am New Plymouth Outlook March 17, 1905 New Plymouth Outlook New Plymouth, Idaho Friday, March 17, 1905 Falk's Store Items Editor Outlook, March 16, 1905 John Christenson is building a new barn on his place. Mr. and Mrs. John Nesbit were in New Plymouth, Friday, shopping. Several from here attended the dance at Bramwell, Friday night. Some of the farmers here are done sowing oats. Falks Store has some few rushers. Gus Ingalls', of New Plymouth, was in these parts, Wednesday. Falks Store school is progressing nicely under the supervision of W. M. Hays. Mr. John Christensen and wife, Henry Asmussen and wife, and John Asmussen, of Nebraska, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Andy Rasmussen's, Sunday. Our mail carrier, Smith, while coming from New Plymouth to Falk's Store, lost one of his horse collars from his horses and did not discover the loss until he had arrived here. He was obliged to borrow another for his return trip. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.5 Kb