Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store  June 17, 1904
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New Plymouth Outlook June 17, 1904
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, June 17, 1904
Falk's Store
Miss Edna Bias is reported to have spotted fever.
Mrs. Dan Larrabee is confined to her bed with spotted fever.
There will be a big dance Friday, the 17th at the school house.
Mr. Hamill of Nampa was in our town Friday and Saturday.
Mr. Harvey Price of Edison, Tennessee is visiting at the home of Chris 
Our school closes Friday and the pupils are preparing a program which all 
should attend.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Bach, of Star, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. M.E. 
Kincaid, Saturday.
Mr. Hoagland's mother and father arrived here Friday to visit for a short time 
with their son.
Mrs. Wm McCrossin and family, of Emmett, were the guests of her brother, Will 
Stuart, three days last week.
Mr. G. W. Gordon expects to move to Emmett next week, having bought an 
interest in the Emmett Mercantile Company.
Mr. Henry Asmussen has built an addition to his house and on Friday night gave 
a big dance, at which everybody present enjoyed themselves, immensely.

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