Payette County ID Archives News.....Falk's Store  February 5, 1904
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Cheryl Hanson February 13, 2006, 1:42 pm

New Plymouth Outlook February 5, 1904
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, February 5, 1904
Falk's Store
Editor Outlook, February 2, 1904
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart visited friends at Emmett a few days last week.
A number from here attended the box social at the Bissell School house last 
Mr. McCarty spent Sunday at New Plymouth.
Mrs. D. Nichols entertained a few of her friends Friday evening at her home.  
Whist and flinch were played till after midnight.
Mrs. John Nesbitt visited Mrs. Orchard at Brainwell, Monday.
Mr. Kelley has been confined to his bed the past week with la grippe.
Mrs. Kinkaid and Mrs. Durkin visited at Bramwell, Saturday.
A surprise party was tendered to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Nesbit on Wednesday night 
in honor of the latter's birthday.  Dancing was indulged in, and the hostus 
was voted a fine entainer.
(Typed as it appeared)

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