Payette County ID Archives News.....Electric Road in Site January 6, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook January 6, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, January 6, 1905
The railroad agitation is again rife and the bench people are hopeful of good 
results.  Mr. Mainland, a Chicago capitalist and Engineer W. H. Abbot, of 
Cleveland, with F. T. Dawe, a promoter, accompanied Mr. Brainard up from 
Payette on Wednesday of this week, and these gentlemen were greeted here by a 
big mass meeting of our citizens.  Mr. Mainland expressed himself as being 
here simply to look the ground over, and that when they have collected all 
necessary material upon which to base their estimates they will carefully 
consider the project and if feasible will let the people along the line know 
what help is expected of them before the road is started.
It was suggested to the gentlemen that a line running up Long valley clear to 
the Payette lakes would be a profitable extension of the present plans, but as 
near as we can learn the present arrangement is to build from Payette to New 
Plymouth, and to extend the line as the country develops.
Our people are not crazy with excitement over the railroad coming, yet are 
naturally eager about the matter, as the lack of transportation in the Payette 
valley is the one great barrier to our success.
There is now great reason to hope that the transportation question in the 
Payette valley is not very far off form settlement.

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