Payette County ID Archives News.....Destructive Blaze July 14, 1898
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Patty Theurer February 18, 2006, 12:30 am

Payette Independent July 14, 1898
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, July 14, 1898


Residence of Frank Moss Completely Destroyed By Fire.


Most of the Contents Saved—Believed to Have Been Uninsured.

About 7:30 this morning the residence of F. C. Moss was discovered to be on 
fire and in half an hour the building was a heap of smoldering ruins.  Mr. Moss 
and family are now in Long Valley, where he is looking after mining interests.  
The place was occupied in their absence by Mr. W. H. Cossart and family, who 
lost the larger part of their effects.  The fire started from a stovepipe over 
the kitchen stove.  Mr. A. B. Moss thinks there was no insurance on the house.  
The desk and private papers of F. C. Moss were lost.

As the INDEPENDENT was ready for the press at time of fire we are unable to 
give further particulars

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