Payette County ID Archives News.....Commencement Excercises May 26, 1905
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Payette Independent May 26, 1905
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, May 26, 1905

Commencement Exercises.

Commencement exercises of the Payette high school will be held this year on the 
evening of June 8, in the Elite opera house.  They will be of an altogether 
different nature than in past years, and will consist of a play and pantomime 
in which members of the graduating class will take some of the leading parts, 
while members of other classes will assist.  The members of the class of 1905 
are as follows:  Sadie Alspach, Marie Napton, Lela Driscoll, Madge Orrell, Lucy 
Mason, Daisy Mason, Alma Crowther, Frances Harader, Fred Watts and Edward 

The following are the casts of the play and the pantomime:

“My Lord in Livery.”

LORD THIRLMERE………H.M.S. Phlegethon-Mearl Cortner.

SPIGGOTT………….An Old Family Butler-Edward Strohbehn.

HOPKINS……………A Footman-Fred Watts.

ROBERT………………A Page-Harry Stark.

SYBIL AMBERLEY………..Daughter of Sir. Geo. Amberley-Sadie Alspach.

LAURA & ROSE………..Her Friends-Marie Napton & Lela Driscoll.


“The Bride of The Greek Isle.”


IANTHS……………………Madge Orrell

EUDORAS…………………Lillie Crump


GREEK MAIDENS-Ethel Ensign, Flavia Barney, Ethel Venable, Mayme Hartung, Vella 
Purkhiser, Gertrude Levers, Bird Wells, Edith McClanahan, Estella Stark, Bertha 
Wilson, Ida Forbes, Grace Herline, Margaret Maule, Lillian Kent, Daisy Mason, 
Alma Crowther.
READER………………..Frances Harader.

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