Payette County ID Archives News.....Colonization Scheme - New Plymouth January 7, 1901
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Idaho Daily Statesman January 7, 1901
Idaho Daily Statesman
Boise, Idaho
Monday, January 7, 1901
More Lands in Vicinity of New Plymouth to be Settled
Articles of incorporation have been filed by the New Plymouth Land & 
colonization company, limited, with main offices at Payette.  This company has 
a paid-up capital of $100,000 and has purchased all the lands formerly owed by 
the Payette Valley Irrigation & Water Power company, including the townsite of 
New Plymouth, formerly owned by the Plymouth Colony company.  The directors 
for the ensuing year are J. H. Richards of Boise; Hon. A. B. Moss and P. A. 
Devers of Payette.
The present object of this company is to colonize the lands in the vicinity of 
New Plymouth, but later it will go into other portions of the state.  Mr. 
Brainard was the promoter of the enterprise and its success is believed 
certain.  Besides a directorate of the first order the company has secured the 
co-operation of a large number of railway ticket agents of the east, who will 
assist in every way possible toward the settlement of that section of Idaho.  
The lands owned are first class, all under water, and with many highly 
improved places adjacent.  The ample capital, all paid in, adds another 
commendable feature, and in all ways it looks as though this company will 
accomplish that for which it was organized.

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