Payette County ID Archives News.....Christian Science Church Dedicated August 9, 1917 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer January 15, 2006, 2:14 am Payette Enterprise August 9, 1917 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho August 9, 1917 CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCH DEDICATED The First Church of Christ Science was dedicated last Sunday. This beautiful little edifice has been built for several years, but the dedication was deferred until the building was fully paid for. The house was packed to its seating capacity, not only by members of this organization, but by many friends who gathered to witness the services. First reader, Mrs. A. B. Moss, Jr.; second reader, Mrs. A. W. Roning, soloist for this occasion Miss Satoris, and Mrs. W. F. Sherwood, was on the platform. The services were simple, yet very impressive, which opened with a hymn, followed by the sermon lesson read by both first and second readers, a beautiful solo, “The Lord is MY Shepard” was rendered by Miss Satoris. The history of the church was read by Mrs. Sherwood, which was in part as follows. In the spring of 1903 a family from the east took up their residence in Payette and hoped to find others who believed in Christian Science, when in a short time they received in the mail a Christian Science Sentinel with the name and address not their own. The gentleman opened the mail on the way home, and a boy who had climbed into the wagon to ride remarked on seeing the Sentinel that it was received in his home and that he knew a neighbor who was a Christian Scientist, through this incident these families were brought together, and in the fall two others were added. Then it was decided to organized a Christian Science Society and hold services which was done by occupying a room on the upper floor of the Crighton building, then a room on the ground floor was secured at the rear of the old Commercial Hotel. As the attendance and interest grew, the members wished to build a place of their own and a building fund was started. One member gave the building sight and another donated the necessary brick, and by liberal offerings a church home was soon constructed. The articles of incorporation was obtained in April, 1907, and on September of that year, the corner stone was laid. The little band of members having a church home of their own, labored faithfully on in the cause of Christ, until their membership has grown to a goodly number. The Christian Science people practice what they preach, no harm is said of any one and by so doing harmony and peace prevails among them. It is their desire through the activities of this Church to give out an ever increasing number the healing truth as taught by Mrs. Eddy. This file has been created by a form at File size: 3.2 Kb