Payette County ID Archives News.....Christian Church May 23, 1912 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer April 7, 2006, 1:19 am Payette Enterprise May 23, 1912 Payette Enterprise Payette, Idaho Thursday, May 23, 1912 CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Rev. W. E. Bobbett preached to a large audience last Sunday morning. His sermon was on the subject of “Memory.” The people were greatly benefited by his practical and inspiring thoughts. At a call meeting of the official board last Monday it was unanimously voted to begin at once to solicit funds for a new church building. It is proposed to build a modern structure fully equipped for all religious purposes. The building as planned will cost in the neighborhood of $30,000.00 and will have a seating capacity of about 1200. Payette is greatly in need of just such a building, while there are twelve churches in town yet there is none that will accommodate union or special services. Finding it impossible at present to unite any two or more of the religious bodies in such an enterprise the officers and members of this congregation invite the cooperation of all people, religious and otherwise, in making possible the construction of such a building as will be a credit to Christianity in this community. The service next Sunday evening will be in the interest of Y. M. C. A. work. A Children’s Day program is being arranged for the first Sunday in June to be given at the regular Sunday evening service. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.9 Kb