Payette County ID Archives News.....Catholic Fair  January 27, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook January 27, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, January 27, 1905
A Great Success, Over $118 Cleared.
About noon on Wednesday the Catholic ladies were not over sanguine in regard 
to the success of their fair, for the clouds hung heavily overhead, and 
underfoot the roads were very heavy, but before night their fears had given 
way to jubilation, for their fair had proven a grand success both socially and 
financially.  A bountiful supper, with several handsome girls as waiters, was 
served from 5 to 9, the receipts from which amounted to $29.30.  Miss Marie 
Ackerman and Miss Jessie Marnoch had charge of the only booth, which contained 
mostly needlework, and the proceeds amounted to something near $20.  In the 
evening three of our best auctioneers, Messrs. Barnard, Shaw and French, sold 
the fancy articles left for good prices, after which the following program was 
listened to and greatly enjoyed:
Piano duet .....Laura and Pearl Wachter
Recitation .....Miss Eunice Slone
Vocal duet .....Marie and Florence Ackerman
Recitation .....Mrs. Stevens
Speech .....W. J. Browner
Negro Comedy Specialties .....Messrs. Will and Frank Barnard, Dinwitty.
Recitation .....J. S. Shaw
During the program Father Godachalx gave a few remarks in which he expressed 
much gratification at the success of the fair, and especially commended the 
non-Catholic for their liberal support.
The raffling contests created a great deal of interest and the prize winners 
were as follows:
Lamp .....Miss Kittie Ransom
Clock .....Mrs. B. F. Ackerman
Bridle .....A. J. Schrock
Harness .....W. J. Fitzgerald, Payette
Book .....James H. Boor
Dress pattern .....F. S. Stevens
Cane .....Jo. G. Slone

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