Payette County ID Archives News.....Bowman Takes Over Feedmill 1925
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Patty Theurer December 5, 2005, 6:00 pm

Payette Enterprise 1925
Payette Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
July 2, 1925


The old Payette Feed Mill was taken over Wednesday morning by C. H. Bowman, who 
will conduct a general grain business.  The institution will be known as the 
Payette Grain & Feed Company.  Earl Christian who has been operating the place 
for some time past will be the manager in charge.  Besides doing a general 
grinding business the company will buy and ship all kinds of grain.  One of the 
principal objects in taking over the plant is looking forward to the building 
of a refrigerator plant on the track near the mill, to be used in connection 
with Mr. Bowman’s extensive egg and poultry business.  This will give an 
extensive outlet for any and all kinds of grain grown in this locality.  

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