Payette County ID Archives News.....Bodies Found-Search Is Made For New Evidence October 24, 1940
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Independent Enterprise October 24, 1940
Independent Enterprise
Payette, Idaho
Thursday, October 24, 1940

Search Is Made For New Evidence

Sheriff Uses Bulldozer In Thorough Search For More Bodies

Sheriff Harry Muir last Tuesday made a thorough search in the vicinity where 
two bodies were found last week.  Through the assistance of the reclamation 
department, which is working in that section, a bull dozer was put at the 
disposal of Sheriff Muir and the machine was used the greater part of the 
afternoon in an attempt to unearth further evidence which might lend light on 
the identity of the two persons whose bodies were found last week in a shallow 
grave at a point located about one and one-quarter miles west and one mile 
south of the Log Cabin service station at the edge of the desert just beyond 
New Plymouth.  Following an afternoon’s work, Sheriff Muir reported that he was 
unable to find any evidence which might aid in solving the mystery surrounding 
the identity of the persons involved in what appears to have been a tragedy.

Clothing Is Found
Last Friday workmen for the reclamation department unearthed a quantity of 
clothing which was buried about fifty feet distant from the woman’s grave. All 
of the clothing and personal articles found appeared to have been of good 
quality, which fact leads officers to believe that the man and woman were not 
transients and were in at least fair financial circumstances.  Included in the 
find were a man’s leather jacket, a pair of men’s shoes, size 11 and 
practically new, some cloth apparently a part of a man’s trousers, shaving 
brush, cigarette lighter, shaving lotion, fountain pen, razor, tooth brush in 
mental container and two men’s hats.  It is believed that the name of the store 
where the hats were sold may be ascertained under a microscope.  All of the 
evidence so far unearthed will be sent to Washington, D. C., to the 
laboratories of the Federal Bureau of Investigation for examination in the hope 
that the identity of the two persons may be fixed.

The man, it has been established was about five feet eleven inches in height 
and had brown hair with a reddish cast.  The lady was five feet three inches 
tall and had auburn hair.  Both had crushed skulls.

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