Payette County ID Archives News.....Big Steer To Go To Portland June 16, 1905
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Payette Independent June 16, 1905
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
June 16, 1905


W. A. Coughanour’s Mammoth Animal to Be Exhibited at the Big Fair.

W. A. Coughanour returned from Portland last Sunday where he had been for a 
number of days attending the Lewis and Clark exposition.  While in Portland, 
Mr. Coughanour made arrangements to place his mammoth steer, Bulger, on 
exhibition and accordingly the animal will be shipped to that city Saturday.  
E. P. Paine will have charge of the steer during the exposition.

Mr. Coughanour could not secure quarters for the big animal on the “Trail” at 
the exposition, but secured a good place for him on the main thoroughfare 
leading to the entrance and only two blocks from it.  

Most Payette people have seen Bulger and it is scarcely necessary to say that 
he will attract his full share of attention at the exposition.  He is now eight 
years old and tips the beam at 3200 pounds.  He comes from Idaho range stock 
but was kept on Mr. Coughanour’s ranch at North Powder, Or., until three years 
old when he was brought to Payette.  At that time he weighed 2570 pounds and 
had never eaten a pound of grain.  So far as can be ascertained, Bulger bears 
the distinction of being the finest and largest range steer in the world.  

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