Payette County ID Archives News.....Big Orchards Being Planted April 10, 1908
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Payette Independent April 10, 1908
Payette Independent
Payette, Idaho
Friday, April 10, 1908



Many Orchards of Winter Apples and a Few of Sweet Cherries.  Large Fields 
Being Cut Up Into Smaller Tracts and Planted to Orchards

Within the last six months several hundred acres of land in the Payette Valley 
have been set in fruit trees; say approximately 800 acres.  The trees are 
mostly Jonathan and Rome Beauty apple, although a good many of them are sweet 
cherry.  Who is there who cannot look a little way into the future and see 
what these orchards will mean for the valley?

In riding through the valley, either north or south of Payette, great broad 
fields of tiny trees can be seen.  In five years these broad fields will be 
wealth producing orchards.  Where there were large farms and ranches 
heretofore, they are now being divided into 10, 20, and 40 acre tracts which 
are large enough for an industrious man to make anything from a comfortable 
living to a fortune.

This great increase in orchard land is due to the fact that a large number of 
people who have been living in other fruit sections have just found out the 
great possibilities of this valley as a fruit producing section and are coming 
here in numbers and buying land and setting out orchards, while on the other 
hand citizens of the valley themselves are more fully realizing the 
opportunities which be at their door.

In all the years since the fruit industry of this valley has been large enough 
to be called an industry a complete failure of the fruit crop has not been 

The valley has rich lands, an abundance of water and an excellent climate.  
These things are what make a great fruit country.  Of course there are time 
when some of the crops have been light for different reasons, but if one kind 
of fruit is light others kinds have been very abundant.  Every year young 
fortunes have been made from the fruit industry.  Men have purchased high 
priced orchards and in one year the orchards have produced enough to pay for 

This lessening of the size of the ranches will be a good thing for the 
valley.  It will result in the land being put under a higher state of 
cultivation and the standard of fruit growing will be raided, slip-shod 
methods will give way before scientific farming, and where there is now one 
family in the valley there will be several.  This change is better methods is 
noticeable along all lines.

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