Payette County ID Archives News.....Big Laundry for Payette April 6, 1906
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Cheryl Hanson November 30, 2005, 8:58 pm

Payette Independent April 6, 1906
F. C. Moss Preparing to Begin Operating One Within the Next Few Days
F. C. Moss is preparing to open an up-to-date steam laundry in this city 
within the next few days.  He has secured for his purpose the old brewery 
building on Front street, which he has had receiled, refloored and relined, 
and in fact generally remodeled and improved.
The machinery has all arrived and most of it is now installed.  The plant is 
of ample capacity to handle a large amount of work promptly and Mr. Moss 
expects to build up a large trade not only in Payette but in the surrounding 
country as well.
Mr. Moss will be assisted in conducting the laundry by his son, Ed. Moss, and 
by Wm. Cassner, late of California, who is an experienced laundryman.

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