Payette County ID Archives News.....Beet Factory Seems Assured March 3, 1905
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New Plymouth Outlook March 3, 1905
New Plymouth Outlook
New Plymouth, Idaho
Friday, March 3, 1905
Beet Factory
The beet sugar proposition has change front, somewhat, but nevertheless is 
still in tangible form, and it is now reasonably certain that the smoke will 
rise from a million dollar beet sugar factory at Payette during the year 1906.
At a mass meeting of the farmers at Payette on Wednesday the first beet sugar 
proposition was turned down and a second one accepted.  The representatives of 
the new company are George C. Parkinson, of Salt Lake City, and T. R. Cutler, 
of Oneida county, this state.  The only essential difference in the 
propositions of the company is the rate paid for beets.  The former offered 
$4.90 per ton for beets bearing a certain test, while the Utah company offers 
a flat unconditional rate of $4.50 per ton.
The local company will be organized, although the capital will come 
principally from the outside.  The factory is to be located within three miles 
of Payette on the Payette river, and the factory is to be completed in 1906 in 
time for that year's crop.  The contracts for 4,000 acres of beets within 
twenty-five miles of Payette must still be secured in order to get the factory.

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