Payette County ID Archives News.....Bad Fire In Payette February 14, 1903 ************************************************ Copyright. All rights reserved. ************************************************ File contributed for use in USGenWeb Archives by: Patty Theurer February 8, 2006, 2:45 am Idaho Daily Statesman February 14, 1903 Idaho Daily Statesman Boise, Idaho Saturday, February 14, 1903 BAD FIRE IN PAYETTE OLD CHURCH AND ANOTHER BUILDING BURNED. Church Was Being Used as School Room—Pupils File Out in Good Order When Fire Starts—Loss Will Reach Two Thousand Dollars. Payette, Feb. 13.—(Special)—Fire broke out in the old Baptist Church here about 10:30 this morning, burning that structure and the 2-story frame building next door to the ground. Mrs. H. B. Smith has been running a primary school in the old church and there were 40 or 45 pupils present at the time the fire broke out. The teacher quietly told them they were excused for the morning, and they filed out in good order, none of them being injured. The fire, which is suppose to have started from the chimney of the church building, rapidly spread over the intervening space of about 10 feet to a 2-story building owned by Howard Sebree of Caldwell and occupied by J. B. Burns. A portion of the furniture of Mr. Burns was removed from the building. Mr. Burns had insured the contents of the building only yesterday for $600, but this was the only insurance on any of the property destroyed by the fire, so far as is known. The total loss will amount to about $2000. This file has been created by a form at File size: 1.8 Kb